Choice In Childhood That Impact Us In Life

Childhood key choices

My Choice

Key Childhood Choice

Think back to your childhood. What passion fueled a key life changing choice when you were young? One of my key choices involved swearing, or the use of expletives.

At age 11, I became more involved with organized sports, more specifically, hockey (a must for an active youth in western Canada with snow in the ground seven months of the year) and little league baseball (could hardly wait for the ground to appear).  With more interaction with my peers in competitive situations,  their language became more ‘colorful’, using language that referred to ‘deities’ in a way that was not positive.

One sunny summer day while walking in a wheat field just outside of town (population of 50 people with three granaries and wheat fields surrounding) I decided to try out some ‘swear’ words. Having heard ‘Jesus’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ used in a negative sense when tempers/emotions flared, I said in a loud voice with no one to hear except the birds and wheat: “Jesus”. Wanting to sound even more authentic and reflecting emotional anger,  I repeated in a more impassioned voice, “Jesus Christ”.

Upon voicing these words as a loud audible, angry expletive, an inner voice immediately kicked in admonishing me. I found myself forming an inviolable aversion to ever choosing to use those specific deity names in an angry, impassioned manner.Right then and there I knew swearing was not a positive choice for me. Even though my personal ‘world view’ was evolving, I had been raised with the view Jesus was God’s son. My internal ‘system/conscience’ rebelled against using ‘the Lord’s name in vain’.


Why isn’t any other ‘deity’ used in ‘swearing/expletives’?

About wdkealy

I retired from a career as a tennis professional to move to Portland with my wife to care for my in-laws and my mother in Abbotsford, BC. Not wanting to retire I took a vocational test and at the top was 'writer'. I have been researching and writing for about five years now and am looking to take more steps forward in pursuing this as a career. Time will tell whether I have the 'passion' to stay the course. My wife and I have three grown children with whom we are close. I had the privilege of coaching a high school team to a state championship in 2010. The team won by 1/2 point which was a credit to all team players. Looking to attend another writer's conference this year and grow. In the meantime I look forward to improving my social networking skills in order to have more meaningful contact with others who share a passion for life.
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