Does your worldview dictate your choices?
You have a choice to make today. It is Sunday. You were raised to go to church on Sunday. You have had a hard week of work. You are tired. It was your parents who dictated your choice to go to church on Sunday. What is your choice now that you are an adult and make your own way in life?
I made my choice-not to go to church today. I feel like no one pays attention to me at church anyway. They just go through the motions with me, then go back to their comfort zone-the people in church they really relate to. I don’t need that. I can stay home, rest and read my Bible, meditate and get refreshed. More important is how I live during the week. Need to rethink my relationships at work and how I handle them through the week. What is important to me? H
ow I am satisfied through treating others so I can get ahead – or sacrificing some of my satisfaction in helping others rather than using them.
My decision is based on my worldview. I believe in my creator and how He has given me guide lines in how to live in this world. My world view has been built up over the years in a search for what I believe is the truth based on my ‘scientific’ observations and experiences.
What do you base your world view on? What someone tells you or what you observe, experience and see in the world around your daily living?