New Years resolutions come and go with each passing year. New Years diet resolutions come and go with each passing year.
If you want to write a best seller do some research and come up with a diet plan that you can sell. Every year more books come out either selling a diet pill or a change of diet that will shed pounds off your body.
My Grandfather homesteaded from North Dakota to Unity, Saskatchewan where he settled on a section of land. He raised cattle, horses, pigs, chickens, and had a nice plot of land where he planted a garden with all fresh vegetables. He had an ice house to store the ice blocks cut out of the creek when it froze in the winter. Our diet consisted of farm fresh food. The cattle were grass fed and finished. He hand milked the heifers, churned his own butter and ice cream. The chickens and turkeys roamed free in the farm yard till they either quit laying eggs or were needed for a meal. The pigs were fed the left overs from the milk, potato and carrot peels, etc.
Nowadays, the cattle, chickens, pigs, and turkeys are fed hormones, antibiotics, and grain to fatten them up and keep from infections. The vegetables and grains have been mutated to grow faster and bigger. Vegetables are grown in chemically enhanced and over used soil, then infused with coloring to enhance their look. Our bodies are wonderfully created to adapt to these changes, but not without some repercussions which may manifest themselves in our daily lives.
More organic foods and grass fed and finished meats are being offered, as concerns are rising more and more over antibiotic and hormone fed meats, along with genetically changed and color enhanced vegetables.
Have you given thought to the foods you are consuming and how they are affecting your health? I have found a difference in my energy levels and vital statistics with my change in diet. Rather than a lab produced pill, or genetically changed food product, entertain the change to a more natural diet plan.