I fell in love with tennis when I was fifteen.

A tired tennis instructor on a tennis court with a young student listening.

Love – Tennis

I was riding home on my bicycle after school. As I was riding by a huge water tower, my attention was drawn to a man- made hill next to it. Cement steps were set into the side of the it and led upwards to a gate set into a chain link fence which was surrounding the flattened top of the hill. Inside I could see kids and adults moving around athletically. Being an athlete and loving competition, I stopped and walked up the grassy side of the hill to observe closer.

Leaning against the fence I could see individuals holding a racket and hitting a ball. I did not know what tennis was at that time, having only lived in small towns. Hockey, baseball, golf and basketball were well know to me. A lady who was in charge saw me watching, came over to where I was at the fence and posed a question to me: “Would you like to come inside and hit a ball?”

Never one to turn down an athletic situation, I immediately said, “Yes”. The lady, Mrs. Isherwood (from South Africa, I found out later), put a tennis racket in my hand, went to the other side of the net on the tennis court and tossed a ball at me. Instinctively, I moved so the ball came to my side, swung the racket and made contact, sending the ball rocketing right at Mrs. Isherwood. She ducked, gave me a look and tossed another ball. I did the same with that ball, setting myself so the ball came to my side , swung the racket and felt the sweet contact as the ball met the strings and was sent directly into the net this time.

I fell in love with tennis after hitting those two tennis balls. Of course I hit many more after that, but that started a passion that eventually changed the path of my life. A light bulb went on inside me and lit me up. I had found my passion, or rather, my passion for tennis found me. From that day on nothing else mattered. I had just been given a brand new set of McGregor golf clubs (I was ‘living’ on the golf course at the time). Those golf clubs went into the closet. I bought myself a $14.95 Pancho Gonzales (a top world class player at the time) tennis racket and a book by the top rated tennis player, Bill Tilden, the title being, ‘How to Play Tennis’.

Reading the book, rising at 4:30am every morning to get to the tennis courts, hit on the backboard, go to school, ride my bike to the tennis courts at the 1 1/2 hour school noon break, go to my after school job, then to the tennis courts to play anyone who was there till I couldn’t see the ball.

There is much more to tell, but my purpose here is to verbalize my love of tennis. I don’t know what put that burning passion for the game into my blood (God?), but I am thankful for it. It has been the second most driving force in my life next to my faith. It has been my vocation in life. I have been a head pro/tennis director for over 40 years. I love to teach all aspects of the game of tennis.

Have you a love for tennis?



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Intellect vs Emotion

Intellect vs Emotion

All of us have experienced learning which involves the application of intellect and emotions.

A lady tennis player standing at the net holding a tennis racket.

Intellect vs Emotion

Intellect: the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.

Emotion:a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

These two, intellect and emotion, have always fascinated me. In playing tennis myself, or teaching others to play, (in my career of over 40 years), these two have been in constant contrast with learning. Some want to rule with intellect over their ability to succeed to the next level. Others are full of emotion as they pursue improvement.  Both are brought together in  exercising self-control.

self-control: the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions and desires or the expression of them in one’s behavior, especially in difficult situations.

In the definition of self-control above, how do intellect and emotion interact? An interesting poll can be found here

Which do you find holds more importance in your life?

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Memorial – Song

Memorial – Song

A common thread in life is attending memorial services where a song is either played or a person(s) sings a favorite song of the deceased.

Picture of a piano keyboard.

Memorial song?

I’m not trying to sound macabre with this thought, but have you ever heard a song you thought personifies how you would like to be remembered if you have a memorial.? I did the other day while working out. I played it over and over throughout my hour long session. That’s when the thought occurred to share it. Here it is.

Go Rest High on That Mountain
I know your life
On earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain.
You weren’t afraid to face the devil,
You were no stranger to the rain.
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done.
Go to heaven a-shoutin’
Love for the Father and the Son.
Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered round your grave to grieve.
I wish I could see the angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing.
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done.
Go to heaven a-shoutin’
Love for the Father and the Son.

What song would you choose?

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Relationships – Value

Relationships – Value

Do you assign value to relationships and if you do, what values do you hold as higher than others?

A lady with her chin resting in her hand -elbow on table thinking.

How do I value relationships?

Two definitions of value are: a) the regard that something is held to deserve; the  importance, worth, or usefulness of something, and b) a person’s principles or standards of behavior, one’s judgement of what is important in life.

Applying this to our daily relationships the question arises: what is the importance or worth of the people I interact with? Am I using them for my personal gain, or am I genuinely attracted to their character and disposition. Do you value a relationship for what they can do for you, or for what you can do for them?

Marriage can be an example. When dating my wife, many questions were raised in my mind as we spent time together. Of course, I had dated others before my wife. I had arrived at the conclusion, before I proposed, we would agree if we met another that attracted us, we would tell each other and that would end the ‘going steady’ aspect of our relationship. That never happened with my wife and we did get married. With others, in my dating, there arrived a time when either myself, or the one I was dating would stop giving. That became my criteria for knowing our relationship would last – as well as a shared faith in God, of course.

In another example, I am passionate about tennis. It became my life’s work and I have taught in many and varied situations. Teaching parents children is usually challenging. Most parents care deeply how their kids are doing and progressing. Tennis costs money – a lot of money if you are going to be good. One day a ‘Wall Streeter’ came to me and handed me $500 cash to take his son on as a student. It was unusual to offer that with no receipt in return. Later his checks bounced, so I knew why he offered cash in the beginning.  As I progressed with his son, it became very clear that he saw his son in one way, and one way only – as an investment. He wanted his son to become a professional tennis player and make a ton of money. The other aspects of father – son were never there. I could write a book on how much hurt that boy went through and how much I invested my own time in him, but the purpose here is to put either an a or b value, or in some instances, a combination of a and b, on the people in our lives. Become more aware. Are we using this person for our own gain, or do I respect their character and put more trust in them.

Without human interaction what kind of  life would a single human live? What value do you put on the lives around you?

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Resolutions and relationships have two things in common – duplicity and integrity.

Pyranees dog shaking hands with a person.

Duplicity or Integrity

The start of a New Year brings an aura of freshness – a new beginning and new resolutions, the most common probably being to lose weight and make new relationships, or we vow to be a better friend or spouse.

During the holidays, which begin with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and end with the New Year, food and drink are a huge part of celebrating. When January begins and we wake up New Years day, things have a way of looking different and we want to do something about it – change something.

Let’s pick an ‘easy’ one and start with losing weight. The first week goes by, then the second. Work becomes work and the long days of winter start to have their effect. We come home one evening after a particularly hard day, or week, and food and drink beckon. The resolve weakens and the roller coaster begins.

Relationships have the same quality as resolutions. We start with the intent of positive interaction and communication. As we get on in the relationship it can change. We start to see the negatives instead of keeping with the positives. It is natural as you get to know someone to see the negatives. As ‘self ‘ stops being satisfied with the positives, we can begin to let the negatives overtake the relationship and duplicity raises it head. The relationship falters and something that started out with brightness and hope begins to fade.

In both resolutions and relationships, often times we don’t mean to let duplicity enter into our original decision. That is where integrity enters in. Integrity is being honest with oneself. It guides us and allows us to accept ourselves and others with the strengths and weaknesses we all have. In so doing we resolve to help ourself as well (by getting back to losing that weight).

‘The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” Proverbs 11:3

What would you rather be known as? The tougher road is to be ‘upright’. Are you up for it?

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New Years Diet Resoution

New Years resolutions come and go with each passing year. New Years diet resolutions come and go with each passing year.

A pan filled with Hungarian Goulash simmering on the stove.

A pan filled with Hungarian Goulash simmering on the stove.

If you want to write a best seller do some research and come up with a diet plan that you can sell. Every year more books come out either selling a diet pill or a change of diet that will shed pounds off your body.

My Grandfather homesteaded from North Dakota to Unity, Saskatchewan where he settled on a section of land. He raised cattle, horses, pigs, chickens, and had a nice plot of land where he planted a garden with all fresh vegetables. He had an ice house to store the ice blocks cut out of the creek when it froze in the winter. Our diet consisted of farm fresh food. The cattle were grass fed and finished. He hand milked the heifers, churned his own butter and ice cream. The chickens and turkeys roamed free in the farm yard till they either quit laying eggs or were needed for a meal. The pigs were fed the left overs from the milk, potato and carrot peels, etc.

Nowadays, the cattle, chickens, pigs, and turkeys are fed hormones, antibiotics, and grain to fatten them up and keep from infections. The vegetables and grains have been mutated to grow faster and bigger. Vegetables are  grown in chemically enhanced and over used soil, then infused with coloring to enhance their look. Our bodies are wonderfully created to adapt to these changes, but not without some repercussions which may manifest themselves in our daily lives.

More organic foods and grass fed and finished meats are being offered, as concerns are rising more and more over antibiotic and hormone fed meats, along with genetically changed and color enhanced vegetables.

Have you given thought to the foods you are consuming and how they are affecting your health? I have found a difference in my energy levels and vital statistics with my change in diet. Rather than a lab produced pill, or genetically changed food product, entertain the change to a more natural diet plan.

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Pureness of snow – faith at ‘Christ’mas.

Pureness – snow – faith – ‘Christ’mas

Experiencing the pure white snow falling on Christmas eve, or Christmas day, is a wonderful experience. With the celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25th, is also the experience of pure faith as put forth in Isaiah 1:18, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…’.

A landscape of countryside and trees with a covering of snow.

A landscape of countryside and trees with a covering of snow.

Pureness – Snow

Having grown up in a climate where the winter months average 20 degree F, I have experienced many times the first true snow fall of winter. It is awe inspiring, starting many times in the evening and building to a height of one, two, sometimes three feet over the next day or two. You know the earth will not be seen again until the spring.

There is no wind. The flakes are large, fluffy and soft. They fall past the street lamps, alighting softly, quietly, giving the appearance of a new,pure white carpet being laid. The familiar sounds we are so accustomed to hearing – a car going by, the echo of voices, etc.- are slowly dampened as the carpet thickens. The purity of whiteness the snowflakes show forth is overwhelming. A quietness creeps over us. What has been a noisy, dirt covered environment has been transformed into a pure, white, quiet place. A peace falls over and around us. When this kind of snowfall happens on Christmas eve or day, it is unique.

The Nativity Scene

The Nativity Scene

Pureness of Faith

Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth – His coming to earth as a final revelation of God’s love to mankind. Christ is the centre of my faith. The account of his arrival, as read in Luke speaks truth to me. The visual of the angels, shepherds and flocks on the hillside to the manger scene and the wise men brings joy and peace to my heart. As a choice, do I believe it – yes, I do. Just as the white of the snow covers the earth giving it a new look, so belief in the arrival of the Messiah and his work in me – “…though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow….” Isaiah 1:18 gives me a new life and new hope.

It is my prayer you would find joy and peace in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ at this time of year. If not, please consider the truth this time of year brings to the world.


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Choices-loneliness – holiday time?

At a time of year when families and friends gather to celebrate the birth of Christ, loneliness can bring unintended consequences through choices.

A single Great Pyranees dog looking lonely

Lonely at holiday time.

5 negative choices

  1. Dwell on your loneliness.
  2. Eat sweets.
  3. Drink alcohol.
  4. Take a pill to feel better.
  5. Curl up in bed and stay there all day.

5 positive choices

  1. Attend a local church that is in accordance with your beliefs.
  2. If you can’t be with family call up a friend to spend the day and plan activities with.
  3. On your computer, or mobile, find a web site that holds an on-line service.
  4. Either cook yourself a nice meal or go out to a favorite restaurant. Watch a Hallmark movie with your pet. Read the Christmas story in the Bible.
  5. Spend time skyping with family, or messaging, to combat the loneliness.

Growing up, Christmas was always a high point in our house. My Mom and Dad put much time, energy and love into making December 25th a very special occasion. From stockings filled with goodies to opening presents after breakfast (with the dishes all washed and dried-sigh) and the Christmas story read from the Bible, my brother and I experienced joy and peace at this time of year. Through college I made it a priority to be home at Christmas. Whether it meant driving an hour, sometimes 21 hours, or flying, I did it. Now that my own family is grown and has ‘flown the roost’, my wife and I still make it a priority to have our family together at Christmas.

This year will be different, which causes me to make up a list of good and bad choices. Through circumstances beyond our control we are only celebrating this Christmas with one of our children and her husband. Concern enters in that being apart from two of our children (adults now) will cause choices to be made with them experiencing loneliness that will not be productive. We are praying for peace and joy for  our ‘apart’ and ‘together’ family.

What about you? Will you be together or apart? What choices will be made by you and yours this Christmas season?

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Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday?

Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday?

I have been confronted, at this time of year, with the ‘political correctness’ of greeting friends, acquaintances, or strangers with either ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Holidays’. It is a choice we all have and is linked in with our Worldview.

An older lady in a wheelchair sitting in front of a large christmas tree with a smaller christmas tree on each side of the large one.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas

There has been much discussion on the date of Jesus’s birth, christmas trees, Santa Claus,etc. This brings into focus how we greet each other at this time of year. Do we say Merry Christmas to our Jewish, Muslim, East Indian friends/ acquaintances? In my vocation of a tennis director/head tennis professional I have come to my own conclusions. It seems to come down to this – am I true to my own worldview in my greeting, or do I hide it behind political correctness?

Happy Holidays

For some years I made the transition from ‘Merry Christmas’ to ‘Happy Holidays’. I had moved from San Diego to Virginia, then up to New Jersey.

My first tennis club in New Jersey was 99% Jewish with a few non-Jewish members – some former Davis Cuppers. The clientele entailed an experienced membership in both tennis and business acumen. Wanting to make a good impression and not wanting to impose my Christmas beliefs on the predominately Jewish membership I found myself greeting them with a ‘Happy Holiday’ instead of my normal ‘Merry Christmas’. Also, finding myself in an East Coast population (New York/New Jersey) with a high Jewish contingent, my greeting of ‘Happy Holiday’ carried over into my everyday life at Christmas time.

Over time, I made many Jewish friends and acquaintances who were ‘true’ to their world view. I re-analyzed my greeting at Christmas time in light of forming these closer friendships and found myself coming to the conclusion my ‘worldview’ was being compromised by ‘Happy Holiday’. I never hid my faith and discussed it freely with other different ‘world views’.  I changed back to my earlier ‘Merry Christmas’ greeting feeling ‘truer’ to myself and my relationship with my Creator.

Does your Christmas/Happy Holiday greeting do justice to your world view, or are you being politically correct?


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Christmas and Santa Claus

Decorating a christmas tree

Christmas Spirit

Views on Christmas and Santa Claus

As the years pass different views on Christmas and Santa Claus seem to become more passionate. It used to be that manger scenes were in more abundance, not only portrayed in peoples front yards, but also in front of city/town halls. Gradually those manger scenes turned into reindeer and Santa Claus as peoples view points condemning the Christ child and manger scenes took precedence.

I personally remember my dad spending hours making a 6 foot crown and a cross fitting inside the crown, all decked out with lights set into the plywood, lit up, sitting on our front lawn, with snow increasing the effect (we lived in snow 8 months of the year in central Alberta, Canada). I also remember hanging stockings and listening/reading ‘The Night Before Christmas” A wonderful, exciting time of the year.

Christmas is about the Christ child, God’s ultimate gift to us, but Santa Claus was/is also a part of Christmas to me. It is wonderful to gift at Christmas, not excessively, but meaningfully. Sometimes volunteering to help in the ‘soup kitchen’, reading to family the Christmas story around a live christmas tree, then taking turns opening gifts – some of my memories. A filter system can easily sort out the difference between Santa Claus and the real meaning of Christmas-the true historically proven birth of Jesus. But Santa Claus always held an exciting element of celebrating Christmas to me also. I never experienced Santa Claus as a negative, but a positive as portraying a giving spirit, linked to parents and ultimately to God’s gift of His son to us.

I love to hear ‘Merry Christmas” when someone greets me at this time of year instead of ‘Happy Holiday’. HOW ABOUT YOU?

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